Come Home To Lino’s

For more than a half-century, Lino’s has served as a focal point of Rockford’s community. It’s a place where everyone is welcome, where everyone can feel at home, and where everyone can enjoy a dining experience that combines generations of culinary mastery with the warmth and love of a home-cooked Italian meal.

A Rockford Original

50-Year Legacy

Family, Flavor, Tradition

A True Family Restaurant, for 50 Years

At Lino’s, the term “family restaurant” means we’re still owned and operated by the same family that launched the restaurant 50 years ago—but that’s just the beginning.

Yes, we’re still family-run. The Battista family founded Lino’s, continues to operate it. You’ll still find Uncle Vince and Uncle Dom—in their 80s and 90s, respectively—in the kitchen every day hand-rolling pasta and preparing our famous Italian sausage. Mike and Pasqua Battista, who immigrated from Italy and first opened Lino’s in 1972, are still fixtures at the restaurant.

But at Lino’s, our definition of family runs deeper. It includes our awesome team, of whom more than 20 have been with Lino’s for at least 20 years—and a dozen have been with us for at least three decades. We grow together and invest in one other: our certified level-2 sommelier, Jessica Cacciapaglia Anderson, worked at Lino’s for 20 years before beginning her formal training as an expert in fine wine.

And at Lino’s, family also includes our larger community. We take immense pride not only in our food, but also in our status as a Rockford cultural institution, standing alongside other community pillars such as the Coronado Performing Arts Center, Midway Village and the BMO Center. Over the decades we’ve hosted countless first dates, family celebrations, postgame meals, and special nights out over the course. Our restaurant and food help knit our community together, and we wholeheartedly embrace that legacy and responsibility.

Indeed, we believe our care is communicated through our food—the cherished family recipes; the fresh, premium ingredients; the masterful preparation.

Whether you’re a newcomer, visitor or cherished regular, we invite you to come and share a meal with our family at Lino’s.

Explore Lino’s

There are so many ways to experience the tradition and taste of Lino’s.

New riverside location

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Village Wine Bar

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Gelato Joe’s

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Upcoming events

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Private events

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